Sunday, August 28, 2011

My three girls

The subject says it all. I currently have three girls, all of them important. I do not believe in primary, secondary, etc. Because I feel that each girl who gives me complete power over herself deserves nothing short of the best i can give them.

Missy is my first slave, and longest running, and is the one that I am married to. She is a pain slut and mentor- she loves having girls to train and being allowed to occasionally play with. Since she has the longest history, she probably is the best source for a new girl about what I like and don't like, how I expect a girl to behave, and generally likes to be 'alpha slave'. Our relationship was several years old before we went lifestyle, though she had quite a colorful history in it before we met.

My second-longest-running is Stephie. she is young, and knows it. For all that though, she is a quick study-it's in her nature. She is a rope slut, and is terrified of being overshadowed by her two sisters and as a result lose my favor, but I always stress to her the positives of her naivete... She is the only one of the three with no experience, so as a result, she will more than the other two be trained exactly as I wish her to be. I get to help her grow, and explore the lifestyle, and realize her great potential.

My newest girl is Julie. She is a French pain slut, and well experienced, having lived the lifestyle for roughly 15 years. She is also an old friend of Missy's from way back. She came to me a starved woman- her former Master never showed her any attention outside the occasional beatings, and the lack of mental, and a large part emotional, eventually made her unhappy with the situation. She is a very good slave, but hasnt felt much like one in years. Now that I have unlocked her, so to speak, I find that she is (like her sisters) yearning for the Master who can own her completely. Now that I fulfill that role for her, she is a very good slave, always striving to please me, as she didn't do before me.

I am honored and proud of each of my girls. It means a lot to me that each has chosen my collar and each has of her own free will named me her Master. Each brings something different to the table, and I cherish each one. Perhaps in future I will expound on each one, maybe give each girl her own post, but this will do for an introduction.

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