Sunday, August 28, 2011

My three girls

The subject says it all. I currently have three girls, all of them important. I do not believe in primary, secondary, etc. Because I feel that each girl who gives me complete power over herself deserves nothing short of the best i can give them.

Missy is my first slave, and longest running, and is the one that I am married to. She is a pain slut and mentor- she loves having girls to train and being allowed to occasionally play with. Since she has the longest history, she probably is the best source for a new girl about what I like and don't like, how I expect a girl to behave, and generally likes to be 'alpha slave'. Our relationship was several years old before we went lifestyle, though she had quite a colorful history in it before we met.

My second-longest-running is Stephie. she is young, and knows it. For all that though, she is a quick study-it's in her nature. She is a rope slut, and is terrified of being overshadowed by her two sisters and as a result lose my favor, but I always stress to her the positives of her naivete... She is the only one of the three with no experience, so as a result, she will more than the other two be trained exactly as I wish her to be. I get to help her grow, and explore the lifestyle, and realize her great potential.

My newest girl is Julie. She is a French pain slut, and well experienced, having lived the lifestyle for roughly 15 years. She is also an old friend of Missy's from way back. She came to me a starved woman- her former Master never showed her any attention outside the occasional beatings, and the lack of mental, and a large part emotional, eventually made her unhappy with the situation. She is a very good slave, but hasnt felt much like one in years. Now that I have unlocked her, so to speak, I find that she is (like her sisters) yearning for the Master who can own her completely. Now that I fulfill that role for her, she is a very good slave, always striving to please me, as she didn't do before me.

I am honored and proud of each of my girls. It means a lot to me that each has chosen my collar and each has of her own free will named me her Master. Each brings something different to the table, and I cherish each one. Perhaps in future I will expound on each one, maybe give each girl her own post, but this will do for an introduction.

How much power is exchanged in TPE?

I have heard discussions of this topic on fetlife, and thought i would expound here instead of on a forum post, so here goes.

Does the slave retain any or all power when they surrender it of their own free will? Short answer: no. Long answer: no with caveats. The simple explanation is that if you keep a sub/slave happy, they will strive to make you happy. A slave who isnt valued as a person or whose opinions truly dont matter to the dom will likely become listless over time, and their lack of effort will cause strife that may lead to a split.

I, for example, am not a physical sadist. I have heard doms that say because of this that I am not a real dom, but I'll happily tell those where to stick it. My girls all give me the credit for my position, and that is what matters. I know what I am- I operate on the mental plane (it is so much more powerful). Instead of beating a slave into submission, I prefer to herd them into giving it up willingly. I think all slaves crave this being done, at least to some extent.

One of my girls, a bona fide pain slut, has experienced this. She was in a relationship where her Master was entirely concerned with the physical. So why would a pain slut become dissatisfied with this arrangement? its because she craved the mental arts, which she never got in that relationship.

An eqqually valid question is this: I do not enjoy the physical, but I have two pain sluts that couldnt be happier...why? One of these pain sluts has been with me for 10 years and there is no dissatisfaction between us. Why?

The answer is mental. Even with the newer pain slut, I have such a tight grip on their minds that they couldn't imagine not being with me. This is why I believe that mental arts are so effective.

Do they, or my third, a rope slut, have power? No. They will bend to my will whatever the cost. However, comma, if I ignored their wishes altogether they may become dissatisfied. So, despite my indifference to the physical, I indulge their physical masochism from time. This brings me back to the main thesis.

The slaves have no power to get me to do this, in my view. I indulge the physical when I feel like it, not when they do. But by indulging them on occasion, they don't have to completely give up that desire for a good beating totally, and they get good value in exchange for total physical fulfillment- total mental domination and manipulation, and there is no doubt that I care for each of them and provide them protection from whatever comes, physical, mental, or emotional.

In the vanilla world, I also see my slaves as people in their own right. When a decision needs to be made, my decision is final- the difference is that I get the slaves' opinions on the subject. I may decide against them, but the fact that I take their view into account gives them a sense of really being important to me, and each of them is.

You see, it's not that they have power, but that I step out of my comfort zone sometimes to indulge them, thereby keeping them dedicated. If my newest girl's former Master had paid a little attention to the mental and emotional, he would still have her. Since I care for my girls, controlling them mentally, giving them physical pain once in a while, listening to them, and being the steady, reliable presence for them, they are so happy that they will go far out of their way to please me. This is the secret to a good M/s dynamic. Even a pain slut needs the full package of domination and to feel that she is valued as a person to be happy, my newest is proof of this.

If you dont earn the title Master from the slave, of their own free will, you are not a Master. And you would be surprised how little pain it can take to physically break a pain slut. Perhaps I will expand on this idea later in its own topic.